November arrives in Scotland

manage to get the place dressed up for Halloween, but not enough time for a party on those occasion.  Maybe next year, although we had time to attend a local buffet dinner with music, all in aid of charity.
Very similar to the French village bashes, but its bring your own.

As you can see, the Scottish prefer hard spirits to wine when its BYO

The weather has been variable, with plenty of sun, but also masses of rain

have been busy trying to finish off work in the house and the garden. When its raining its work indoors and as soon as the sun comes out it is working in the garden.

Managed to board and shelf out the central section of the loft as well as fit a loft ladder. Bought of the internet and was worried that we were not going to have enough room to fit. The Chinese, Indian and Bulgarian instructions did not inspire confidence, but once put together managed to fit quite well. Only had cut out two rafters. The sagging was not too bad.
Then it was a full width wardrobe and book shelves, and then more book shelves and even more book shelves.
Still need more.
But now the office and corridors are all clear of boxes, even the shed has been sorted. Wont know what has hit us.

I have built steps to give us access from the front of the house to the garden, and now building retaining walls and patios. Uncovering sewer pipes along the way. Quite lucky not to put the package through during levelling the ground works. Fig tree planted in the bed once we had painted the large retaining wall.


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