Alistair is up for a days kayaking and fishing

Alistair has come up to spend a day Kayaking, but unfortunateley the guide has gone down sick, so we revert to going out fishing for sea trout.

Spent quite a few nights but no luck. Plent of trout jumping withing 3 metres of us , but nothing on the line.
next time.


 one of the fisherman did show us a photo of what he caught a few nights previous. Not much consolation. 

Went walking up into the hills to find a loch to fish for some trout, only to find that it was dry, fenced off and totally inaccessible. never mind. the walk was fantastic. Up hill for one and half hours, down hill in 45 minutes. And only one small drizzle.

Next time we when we go out for the sea trout l will take my fly rod. The water is shallow and a fly will stay just below the service.

 But then again, we could go and dig some lug worms and fish on the bottom with a running trace.
Very technical. But it may catch us supper.

Alistair eventually shot off in his campervan to visit the islands and Argyll and Bute in preparation for his Australian girlfriends visit, a keen cyclist and walker.

what we missed. Another time, when the weather impoves.


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