Week seven or is eight, of lock down in Innellan, Scotland. The new Mediterranean .

The deer wake me up barking away, and it’s only 5 am in the morning, but it’s gloriously sunny, so I head into the lounge for a cup of tea. Then I make the bread from the sponge mother from the night before.
After breakfast and doing the Tia Chi l finish off the top to the new cabinet before quickly escaping into the sun. The warming effect always gives you a spring to your step. Open up the cold frames and check the growth, some of the lettuce is sprouting as all the wildflowers and it’s finishing off the construction of steps in the Hidden garden. Just need to concrete the bases once someone has been treated. But it’s plant to our trees that we have nurtured for the past 10 years in pots. You could hear the sire relief As extract the oak trees from their pots. And they yelped for joy as their feet felt true Earth for the first time. Although their life may be cut short if I don’t enclose them away from the gnawing teeth of the inquisitive deer.
Cleared two nice spots at the bottom of the bank, removing all the dead grass and weeds to give them room to spread out. Then after lunch we sculptured an area, Judith did her moulding and levelling to make a bold lump into a flowing back gradually fell down into the woodland Path.
Well she was busy doing this I set out to eradicate the docs with the Mattock. A never ending task, but if you keep rubbing out the roots definitely give up and disappear. Unlike the mares tails. Although I have been testing a new trick of mixing wallpaper paste with Glyphosate, It helps it stick to the plant and up to now the success rate is been superb. Nevertheless they still seem to come up each year through the tarmac drive uninvited.

After a hard days work we sit in the Sun with a glorious bloody Mary and then it’s in for dinner and a few glass of wine. Feet up in front of the box to watch Doctor Who, I have copied whilst away on a cruise. Before long our eye lids start to close Involuntary and we head for bed into crisp In linen sheets. Nothing like it as you snuggle down after a busy hectic day.

Sun going down in the West reflecting on the clouds over the water red

 11pm at night. A glorious sight

early morning sun, calm sea. Hopefully going to be a pleasant and warm day, although its only 4 degrees at present. 

 A little coal tit hiding  behind one of the feeders

Welded up some 10mm steel that we had left over and made a fire surround for the pit

Judith's hard work, sculptured , reading for the next stage. Whenever that will be possible. Depends on obtaining the products. 
We did have some great news on Friday. Rembrand the timber merchants are delivering on Tuesday this week. Tomorrow. fencing materials, concrete for paving and wall repairs, postcrete and aggregate. Should keep me busy.

Bluebells just going over

One of the oaks, prior to fitting a frame to keep safe from the deer.

Mares Tail before treatment

After treatment

 Pond looking good

Piled up some old logs next to the pond, just to protect and frogs that might appear from the millions of tadpoles we had. Recently l have only noticed the odd couple swimming around. Presumably the majority were eaten by our pair of ducks that pop in on a regular basis. . 

New cabinet ready to be filled with china and the usual paraphernalia you collect over the years 

Cases as of today 5th May. We in the highlands are keeping reasonably safe with low numbers, due to the lack of density of population.

Confirmed cases in Highland

Total UK cases*
Daily UK cases
Total UK deaths

Makes a change to see Scotland getting the highest temperatures in the UK.


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