amazed at the traffic up and down the Clyde its ever changing

Each day as we sit for breakfast lunch or dinner and just look out onto the Clyde I’m amazed at the amount of traffic that uses the waterway.   

One of two shrimp boats that passes up and down the coast, day in and day out. Then they all get shipped to Spain!!!!!

Part of a ship being towed into the Docks

The Waverley paddle steamer doing its regular summer trips to the Islands

One of many cruise ships that seem to stop off in Glasgow

Another submarine heading out to do war games, playing cat and mouse with the Russians.

One nuclear and one old diesel submarine passing by in the channel 

Two Royal Navy fast response launches heading out to sea

The area is always full of small craft, either day sailing our heading out to go round the islands

Container ships, both large and small, ferrying goods around the world, or even to Liverpool and the Scottish Isles

Military supply vessel moared up before picking up stores

The largest cruise ship we have seen so far, its the Ruby Princess. A glorious ship. We travelled round the Caribbean on it some years back.


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