shed nearly finished

Back from Dover and its time to recommence the shed/summer house/man cave. Fortunately the weather is good, so we are able to continue to the last few bits and bobs, although we still haven't managed to but the glass. Not sure if we are going down the double glazed or single glazed route. 
Judith has eyes on turning it into a hobby room, selling off all my woodworking and building tools. Need to finish the last building job first. 
Need one more project before l hang up my clogs.
From rain soaked days with little beasties nibbling the ankles

Mists, clouds and the odd sprinkle of rain

seating id made with all the slate dug out the building site. Fire pit is dug. But now its turned into a pond.

Walls are going up, but the tarp is still keeping the water off

Judith has started planting

Its getting there, roof still not on as yet

smart shorts

Three walls, only one more to go up

At long last the roof is going on. Parker prior to falling off the ladder

First coat of preservative, roof on

deck going in for Judith seat. Especially for looking out onto the sea. Mossy nets still have to be fitted!

Had enough. Time for a beer and dinner down at the pub

Virtually complete. Just need capping, door, and glass.

Spent most of Saturday putting the capping on the edges, laying stones and clearing out the rapid growth of weeds. Hopefully by Saturday night will have transferred all my tools, fishing gear and erroneous junk into the shed, which in turn will allow me to move all the unpacked box's into one of the bedrooms. The house will then look half tidy in readiness for our first of many visitors.


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