God we miss our friends who have moved onto the other side

God we miss our friends who have moved onto the other side.

Perhaps, that's why the blog has ground to a halt this last few months. My biggest viewer was Ruth who moved back to Africa. She would be constantly asking for more info about what we were up to. She wanted the pics and the little ditties to spark her interest. It was our way of keeping up the connection after she moved from France.  
We miss you Ruth. But l am sure you are looking down and keeping an eye on us. So here is a reminder of one of our usual treats that we shared together.

Two dozen oysters, freshly baked bread, some of our smoked ducked and home made chorizo along with bubbly.
What could be better.

We also lost David, not everyone's cup of tea. But we rubbed along really well together. He taught me a lot about antiques. In fact everything l know.

Anyway, shouldn't get  maudlin.

Lets move on.........................



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