AECL Christmas party

AECL Christmas dinner

Tuesday night 17 DECEMBRE 2013 and it's the AECL ( English French association ) Christmas dinner, FETE de NOEL Hôtel du Périgord à Aubeterre Menu cost 35.00 euros including all wines

Canapé and aperitifs (cocktail of fruit juice or crème peche et champagne
Starter - Foie gras mis cuit served with a chutney of figs and mango ( 1 glass of sweet wine)

sorbet maison

Main course - Stuffed breast of capon accompanied with roast potatoes, fricassee of seasonal vegetables, finished with a cepe sauce

Vegetarian - Ballotine of salmon and sole farcie with cepe mushrooms, fricasse of seasonal vegetbles.
Cheese - Croustillant of warm goats cheese salad with nut vinaigrette

Dessert - Assiette festive including coffee

Heads down in prayer
conversation is so interesting the lady with her back to us is in the middle of a scype call to a friend on another table
Mike taking objection to something being said. Or is it V for victory!
girls aloud at the far end of the table, only way we can hear them
Annette, fists up ready for a fight. Don't know why she is so protective of her pudding
Mike and Ruth have started a refuge collection service looking at the amount of detritus on the table
Alan seems happy, perhaps he hasn't seen the man next to him praying for rain


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