Off by train to Oban and a days walk around the island of Kerrera

Kerrera Ferry map of location - car parking at the ferry

We met a couple whilst walking on Bute, got talking as you do, and found out that the lady was a leader of a walking group in Helensburgh. Mentioned that their group walked the Island of Kerrera at least once a year.So we said, let us know when you are going next.
Two months down the line and we drive over to Arrachar and joined the small party for our trip to Oban. Expected, being a Monday that the train would be quiet. As we waited on the platform, at which point a coach arrived in the car park and disgorged 40 plus people. Turned out that they were on a Sheerings holiday. They had stayed in Arrachar overnight and they were taking the glorious trip up to Fort William and onto Mallaig.
There bus was meeting them up their. 
Then when we boarded the train we found it packed to the gunnel's. Stood in the aisle waiting for the coffee trolley to move to enable us to get to our seats, which took a good 15 minutes. He was not the brightest or fastest of servers. We found that one of the coaches on the train was full of Americans from Seatle, visiting Scotland, specifically to see lighthouses. It takes all types. But they were lovley, and kept us amused until we could get to our seats.

Back to the walking. The train took us through some great countryside, along Loch Lomand before heading off West. At this junction, half the train split and headed North to Fort William.
Got off in Oban and bought out fresh sandwiches from the fish kiosk on the pier. Prawns for Judith fresh crab for me. They were packed full of the fishy delights. Then the eight of got into two taxis and headed for the ferry. 

Group of us on the Ferry going out to Kerrera

Oban seen from the Ferry

Stopped over the hill for our lunch of fresh sandwiches

Then two thirds of our way round, what did we find? A tea room with cream cakes and scones

Ultimateley we catch the ferry back, phoning the taxi's as we go and they meet us once we dock. Then in Oban we split up. Judith and l go for a fish supper, coffe and meet back up to catch the train back. What a wonderful day. 
What was amazing was thr price of the rail ticket. Being retired and living in Argyllshire in Scotland , a return ticket came to the unbelievable price of £2.90. The whole day, rail, taxi, fresh crab, ferry and fish supper cost each of us £24.00.


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