ISA hit France once again

Friday 13th

Once again the horrors of ISA rears its head in Paris. The TV is none stop coverage American style. What they don’t know they seem to make up with a constant flow of so called experts. But it is interesting to hear that a lot of these Islamic ISA soldiers have originated from street gangs in Europe. Hence their interest in France, thousands have actually come from there. They moved to ISA because they know there brutal blood lust is not tolerated in Europe, so they have moved to an area where they can satisfy their horrific unhuman desires. 132 Dead and hundreds mutilated.

In the aftermath the governments make lots of noises, but the truth is, no one has a taste to put forces on the ground. And bombing from the air will never eradicate the threat.

Also open  borders throughout Europe makes it easy for terrorists to infiltrate unhindered among the millions of refuges escaping Syria. And these people will now feel the backlash. 50% of American states have already come out and told Obama that they will not accept any overseas refuges.

Saturday 14th

The ranting continues, and now Russia has come out with news that it was a bomb that brought their plane down in Egypt. Understandably, all countries come out with indignation and threats against ISA. But will anything happen?

George Bush started it with his fight against weapons of mass destruction. He lit the fire and this has now turned into a roaring inferno. MOST NONE Easterners can’t understand how complex these countries are, the various factions and warlords who have only just tolerated each other, now have been given the opportunity to perform genocide. And we as westerners have caused this problem, as we didn't have any real plan for reinstating the infrastructure in the countries devastated by the bombing.
Have just read an interesting article about ISA. Well worth reading.

What ISIS Really Wants

The Islamic State is no mere collection of psychopaths. It is a religious group with carefully considered beliefs, among them that it is a key agent of the coming apocalypse. Here’s what that means for its strategy—and for how to stop it.

