last few weeks in Delray Beach

delray beach photo: Sunrise over Delray Beach 201112040658.jpg

Sunday 15th

We drive over to Fort Lauderdale and see John and George for lunch. Great time catching up, and also the opportunity to see the new house.

As always a great lunch and the crack ( Cumbrian for gossip, not an illegal substance)was amazing. Time just flew by. Arrived at noon and it was dark before we left. Took the coastal road back which was fun.

Monday 16th

Usual routine of 1.5 to 2miles walk before breakfast, then it’s to the  Wakoddahatchee boardwalk. Fantastic inner city refuge, built in cooperation with the water board.

Great birdlife, alligators and turtles, as well as the fauna and flora. They use as an overflow, in exactly the same way as the original everglades used to work to soak up the overflow of water.

As per usual, we stop off afterwards into the library to utilise their WiFi and pick up books and DVDs.

Tuesday 17th

Similar to yesterday, but this time we head further inland into the boon docks and the northern everglades. This time the park was 200 square miles of wetlands. The Arthur R Marshall Loxahatchee reserve and park. The charge was minimal, yet the visitor centre gave you an in-depth in site into the Everglades, both historically and today.

We walked around the site, and were fortunate to see masses of butterfly’s, dragonfly’s, snakes and birds, plus the elusive turtle and alligator. They had canoes and kayaks for hire, fishing piers, bike hires and trails along with other specialist talks and walks.


Wednesday 18th

Another day another boardwalk, this time the Green Cay Wetlands. Another interpretation centre plus miles of boardwalk through various wetlands.

What was most inspiring was how it came about. A farmer sold the land to the county to make the reserve instead of taking a multimillion $ offer to sell to a shopping mall and housing development. What selfless courage. Not sure what his children mike think of that. But its great to think that there are still people who look at the environment instead of the Dollars in the pocket.


Thursday 19th

The usual walk in the sun before heading downtown Boca Raton. The rich community with its large multimillion dollar properties and extravagant gated communities. The entrances of which are lavishly adorned with gigantic centre pieces, waterfalls, fountains and spectacular shrubbery and colourful gardens.

Go to the shopping Mall in the so called Town Centre. This matched its clientele with shops for the very rich. Armani, Rolex, Tiffany, Boss and the like. A little too rich for us. But it was enjoyable to view.

After a pleasant ratch, it was back into the car and down to towards the coast to meet up with John and George for dinner at a rib shack. The Mississippi Sweets BBQ. Great ribs and chicken.

Friday 20th

Great day out in a Japanese garden called MORIKAMI. It was formed to commemorate a group of Japanese who settled in Florida to farm back in 1903. The museum tells the story of their strive to grow Pineapples until it was cheaper to import from Cuba, after which they grew winter vegetables and shipped them by train up the East Coast. That was up until Pearl Harbour, when they were imprisoned.

There is an exhibition that shows the plight of the Japanese in the USA. Hundreds of Thousands were interned, having their belongings and property taken over by the state. Total persecution, especially when you see the numbers of German and Italians interned, which was miniscule.

The gardens where fantastic and mapped the history of Japan through the style of gardens designed.




Saturday 21st

Back to Fort Lauderdale and lunch of snow crabs with the boys. Excellent time.


Sunday 22nd

A relaxing day after all the rushing around. Although l was able to visit Home Depot, the DIY shop. It’s amazing how cheap their tools are compared to the UK. Very jealous.

Monday 23rd

Awoke to a most horrendous email from Gayle Quinan. She had just got back to the UK from Africa. Her mother had passed away on her birthday. What a shock, totally out of the blue. Never had any inkling. She was such a wonderful friend, full of life and passion. Great fun to be around. Loved nothing better than a good party, or a quiet get together with friends, sipping champagne and eating fresh oysters. Just unbelievable that we won’t be seeing her again. We had planned to visit. But now there is no excuse to visit Africa and Cape Town.

The day became dark. A vast shadow had fallen over us. Spoke to Gayle later in the day, which made feel slightly better after hearing that she had no pain.

The day did not improve. We received another email later that night to say that another friends husband had passed away after a very short illness. God this death thing really gets you down.

Tuesday 24th

Still have this shadow of death over us, but we try to shake it off. Walk through another reserve. But ultimately we return to the apartment and have lots to drink. And a couple of DVD’s to take our mind off what we had been told on Monday.

Wednesday 25th

Washing and ironing ready for the cruise on Friday. Did some shopping in one of the largest Malls about and managed to get all the little things we need, along with the odd T shirt for Judith and a bade layer for me, just in case l get cold. This last few days has been quite cool with the odd storm. In fact it was so cool in doors we had to find a blanket. Tomorrow we are off to thanksgiving with John and George at one of their friends house near Palm Beach.

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