Drive back to UK

We drove back from Chatignac yesterday after eight days of rain. The 
journey back was horrendous, the rain was coming down like stair rods 
and the wind was blowing a gale. Overtaking lorries became a game of 
Russian Roulette. For a period, we had to drive blind, unable to see 
anything but a waterfall of water. Scary to say the least. Got in at 
1.30am French time.

 The wind really caused a few scary moments.

 This image shows gale force winds and choppy seas at Tynemouth near Newcastle

 Its a good job we travelled by eurotunnel and not the ferries.

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Although the time did flash by as we listened to another great book. This one was by 
Iain Banks “Transistion” 6 hours of a gripping yet off the wall 
entertainment. The works seems to have quite a lot of good talking 
books lately, and they are selling 3 for £10. Definitely worth a visit.


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