Its been a long time coming, but we are back on line and posting.

It seems like its been a lifetime since l was last on the blog. In fact it has been months. We have been so busy, its been just mad. 
We spent Christmas in Fort William again. Its truly amazing time to go walking, especially as if the snow is on the ground. But it is also bloody cold. 
Just need to keep warm. Plenty of cloths, wrapped up well, and walk hard, especially uphill. soon warms you up.

After a fabulous four days we returned back to Innellan to continue the final bits of work. Seems to be taking forever, but then again we are never around. Since Judith's accident she has wanted to get away most months. And who am l to grumble .

Early February we headed off on our P&O cruise to the Caribbean. Its great to be pampered , but more importunately get some heat into our bones. Especially as the winters can get a little long and drawn out in Scotland.
We met up with some of our cruising buddies, but when we landed in New Orleans he was rushed of the ship with a heart attack. 
He was so lucky that we had arrived in the states. He received fantastic treatment and had a triple bypass within days and flown back to the UK  within ten days. 

Pleased to say he is doing really well now, but not sure if he is up for another cruise quite yet. 

Came back to the UK and started sorting out the lower deck in larch. Wanted to get most of the work completed before we headed out to France for three months.
Managed to get the downstairs bedroom and bathroom completed as well as fitting a large kitchen extractor fan. You turn it on and it sucks every thing out. Including small children and pets.


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