World cruise QM2 arrive in Darwin Australia Monday 24th February

Monday 24th February 32 degrees C
Docked at 7.30 into the steamy overcast Darwin. Put the washing on first thing, it’s the only time you can expect to find a machine free. Even so it was the last machine free, and l had arived dead on 7.30am. Walked round as they processed the ship, hopping down after 45 minutes to transfer the washing into the dryer. Then back up for breakfast, before heading down to take Judith a coffee and collect the washing from the tumble dryers.
Managed to walk into town at ten, in fact the town centre was only about fifteen minutes away. They did have a shuttle service, but it was good to see what was around. Really interesting place, and easy to get around using the bus service. 3$ for 3 hour trip, including transfers and return journeys. Managed to get some Aboriginal art work, plus a bow tie and normal tie. All in Aboriginal prints.

From here we walked back to the tourist office and obtained details on boat hire and fishing. Not cheap, approximately $350 for a day, 6 hours fishing for barramundi. But slightly less if you just wanted ordinary fishing. Would like to give it a go if l came back. Which l am sure we will. Possibly do another world, get off in Darwin and rejoin up three weeks later in Perth. Would be good to do the Kimberley’s and Broom. Although, it would have to be in a 4*4, as it’s now illegal to drive two wheel drive on none made up roads. How things have changed over the years.
We will have to do our homework and see if it’s at all possible, and at what cost. We did ascertain that it is possible to get a visa that lasts a year. So much to think about.

Walked back via Coles the supermarket, as l fancied some beer in the fridge. The prices were expensive, possibly due to it being the Norther Territories, which have a problem with drunken Aborigines. An old boy in his motorised wheelchair, who we recognised from the ship wanted to buy a bottle of wine, but was refused because he didn’t have any identity documentation. So l offered to buy it for him, but was instantly rebuked by the assistant who informed me l would be breaking the law.
Seems rather belligerent, considering that he had proof he was on the ship, and anyone could see he was well over the legal age.Perhaps, the police are very strict in Darwin. 
Once we returned to the ship, we learnt that quite a few people had been refused as they didn’t have I’d. Both crew and passengers alike. 

After lunch we headed back out to catch the bus to the botanical gardens, but found that we were going to have to wait some considerable time. So we jumped on another which was heading out to Cullen bay and the Mandorah ferry terminal, passing the National Trust properties on the way. It did a complete circuit of the town and returned in good time to collect the right bus. We had checked with the driver, to double check that we would be back in time. We soon realised why he was so certain. It was the same driver and bus that went on the other route. He just changed his sign.
The bus headed out of town, passed the cricket ground, called the Garden Oval and the footie ground before heading down to the museum and beach. It then retraced it’s route to the main road and continued south to a large suburb, inhabited it seemed by quite a few aborigines. It then turned North back towards the city centre, dropping us off at the West gate. The kind driver explained how to find the entrance and also checked that we had enough water before shooting off. Followed his directions and walked around the gardens, which were overgrown and quite wild. Perhaps it was their intention to showcase the vegetation of the area, which they had done well. But you could have been in the bush. Give me Sydney or Melbourne Botanical gardens any day. Nevertheless, they were interesting, and it gave us some exercise.

After a couple of hours, we headed out and took the path back to the centre. It was a good tarmac covered path, but there was very little shade in the humid 33 degrees heat.
Entered the city and hunted out a bar with craft beers that had a happy hour. Dived in and met up with Elizabeth, our Ti Chi instructor with her husband and friend. After a few beers we all headed back to the ship.

Dinner in the buffet, followed by the cinema. An Australian movie “The Castle” low budget film, that was hilarious. 
Then to bed.

Tuesday 25th February Hot and sticky 33 degrees C
Not sure, but l think it must be Shrove Tuesday, especially as they have pancakes available around the ship. That’s just in the restaurants, not just strewn about the deck, or hung as decorations.
Up late this morning, so we headed for a light breakfast without walking. Then off to find some clip on sunglasses. l had lost my others somewhere ashore yesterday.
Took the shuttle into town and through the precinct, in and out of shops selling sunglasses. But none were to be found. The last shop pointed us to the chemist, and low and behold, they had a good selection to choose from. Ended up with clip on Polaroid’s, although on the downside they had a blue hue to them. Can’t have everything, just needed to protect my eyes.

Then we hopped on the No6 bus that took us to the Museum at Mindil Beach, Fannie Bay. Walked along the deserted beach, getting right up to the cliffs. They were magnificent, and made up of so many coloured rocks dissected with white and black veins, interspersed with fossils of sea creatures.
The foot of the cliff was alive with hermit crabs, hundreds of them, along with other creatures. Most providing a constant source of food to the bird population.

After an hour we decided to retrace our steps and return to the Museum. We had an hour, but it was barely enough time to cover a quarter of the interesting exhibits on show. Just confirms the need for a return visit.

Caught the bus back to the station and returned to the ship. Another rushed day. Where do the hours go.
Watched the sail away at 5pm, then headed back to the cabin for a shower and a change. 
Light dinner of Caesar salad without the chicken, topped with a leg of crispy duck. Delicious.
Talked with friends, then the quiz followed by a couple of games of sequence.
Bed again, reading followed by shut eye. Another exciting day.


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