World Cruise QM2 heading to Australia - SLOWLY, Very SLOWLY

Thursday 13th February 27 degrees C
Walked for 45 minutes, then into breakfast, just my porridge, prunes and yoghurt. Another fast today. Although l feel at long last that l have myself back on track. The extra 6 pounds from excesses from Christmas are now shaken off. Although Judith thinks l am being obsessive with my walking. I just love the peace, tranquillity of the open deck first thing in the morning. Unfortunately, it gets rather congested with sun seekers and strollers as the day progresses.
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Ti Chi in the ballroom, then up for a lecture on the deep sea. As he explained, we have only just scratched the service of what is in the deep. In fact we have only explored 1/10th of 1% of the ocean floor. Once again fantastic satellite imagery.
And the underwater shots were amazing.
Then quickly into the theatre to listen to background stories to various musical artists and their songs.

Passing through the busiest channel in the world, between Singapore and Indonesia, according to the captain. Hundreds of vessels, cargo, container, tankers and cruise ships manoeuvred the straits whilst small craft weaved their way across the hectic thoroughfare.
Image result for image busy singapore straits

Image result for image busy singapore straits

Ate our apple and then proceeded to walk some more. Then l shot off for an art lecture on colour and it’s interpretation within art. 

Friday 14 Feb Valentine’s Day
32 degrees C

Image result for image heart love

Black clouds circle the ship, but amazingly, the rain is falling away from us. As the boys were optimistically setting out the loungers, a tornado appeared out to sea. But it soon collapsed and died out.

An additional degree in sea water and tornadoes become stronger
One of the Scottish passengers who l walk with most mornings, albeit in opposite directions, told be he had been offered an extra 17 days onboard. Fremantle to Sydney. But he had decided to leave in Fremantle and fly back to Edinburgh. He was one of 900 passengers who should have vacated the ship in Hong Kong. Later in the day, another friend told me that Cunard were advertising 17 days from Fremantle to Sydney in a balcony cabin for £650, less than half price. Presume they have so much space, due to the amended itinerary. 
Would image the people who were going to board in Hong Kong have cancelled. Will just have to wait and see what happens. 
Image result for image tourist suitcases
Quite humid, but punched on to do my 45 minutes, 5500 steps, before heading in for a light breakfast. Although l nearly was tempted by the donuts, as well as the waffles and pancakes. But l managed to shove Satan behind me. At least on this occasion. It is a drinking day, so need to ensure l don’t overdo the calories. 
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Into Ti Chi, today it’s in the night club, which is rather cramped for the 50 people who have joined in the morning session.

Then a talk on ancient disasters, and the legends they inspired. Not overly exciting. But it wasted the time away and saved walking any more, or more importantly eating anymore. 

We then transferred into the theatre for the captains talk. A virtual bridge tour. The captain Aseem A Hashm took us through his background from being an airline pilot with British Airways, through his ten years of college, sponsored by Cunard and the training required to obtain his Masters certificate. Then followed by another ten years practical before he became the master of the QM2.

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Image result for captain aseem hashmi cunard

Dinner in the Britannia Restaurant, it’s a gala black tie night as it’s Valentine’s Day. But no roses as we have not been able to dock for the past 12 days, other than to pick up fuel and the odd banana. 
Keep hearing gossip regarding credits and discounts for future bookings, we receive notification that we are going to be given $250 each on board spending money as gesture of goodwill. God knows what we can spend it on. No point in spending it on booze, it’s so expensive and you only rent it for the night. And in my case, giving it back throughout the night on a regular basis. Sure Judith will manage to spend it on jewellery, sunglasses or clothing. 
Once again given a different table. Keep finding that waiters are not too pleased, as they expect their free tables to stay empty. So we are counted as extra work.
Lobster again and snails to start. Then into the cinema to see Notebook. Told to bring hankies. Very good, although sad movie.
Walked outside, glorious.

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15th February Saturday 
Hot and steamy
Another day of fasting
Ti Chi
General Lord Dannatt talk on modern day leadership skills
Steve King on music of the early seventies. The birth of glam rock and the sound of California music. Specifically Carly Simon, James Taylor, Janie Mitchel and Carol King.
We were supposed to be on a fast, but the belly pork looked just too good to miss. So we had a small portion with a bowl of Dahl. The Ying and Yang. One bad item and one good. Sounds a good excuse.

We were just about to head out for a walk when the heaven’s opened up. It caught everyone by surprise. They flooded in, like drowned rats. Hundreds of them. The sun seekers had been eradicated from the decks. Only a few hardy souls, wrapped in towels remained, sheltering in the wings, praying that it would soon stop. And it did. Within minutes the sun returned and the thunderers storm became a distant memory. That is until you attempted to sit on the now soaked filled lounge mattresses. 

Another talk, this time all about ships. A very informative and humorous talk about ship board terms, and how modern day vessels still retain a link to their historical past through the names used for various parts of the ship.

Then it’s back on deck to walk and try and find a space among the sun worshippers, the beached whales, and the sun scorched souls to relax and read. 
It’s amazing how so many people put their bodies through immense pain and potential danger. Just to produce a tan, that can be used as a visual badge to take home and flaunt. A statement of status, to prove they can escape the cold winter months of the homeland. The chosen minority.
Yet in this day and age of early retirement, when the sixty year old's are the new forties. it’s not the minority, but the masses who can afford to get away during the cold winter months. So being as black as an ace of spades no longer can be used as a bragging right.
Anyway, l will get off my personal soap box. 
Image result for sun tan image black as the ace of spades

We did manage to find a sheltered area, although the anticipated peace was quickly destroyed. And we soon realised why these seats were vacant. They were located near one of the main entrance/exits to the kings court. Which in turn, resulted in loud bangs every time some one came through the doors. Unfortunately, this was every few minutes. 
We upped and moved, and eventually found another sheltered spot, out of the full rays of the sun. Relaxed and read. Punctuated by the odd refreshment break and the occasional drop of the eyelid.
Back to the cabin for a shower and a catch-up on the daily news before heading out for dinner. It’s amazing how time fly's. No cinema or show this evening, l was so engrossed in my book, after dinner we just settled down in the lounge and read. Listening to the harpist in the background, and the occasional hooray Henry gafawing at his own joke.
At 9pm we headed up to the library and checked out our location in the atlas, as well as reviewing possible places to visit from the rough guide. Jill had also sent me various walks  in Perth we could do if it wasn’t too hot. Then out under the stars for a stroll before bed. Still warm, but the wind is picking up. Could be a bumpy night

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16th February Sunday
Sailing through the Indian Ocean towards Fremantle and it’s quite windy, but a pleasant 28 degrees C. Woke up at 6.30, but kept my head down till 7.20. Judith has not been sleeping too well recently, so l didn’t want to disturb her. Up on the deck for a good 45 minute walk, then met Judith for a light breakfast of fruit and yoghurt. Then out on the deck, walking with Judith for another 20 minutes.
Ti Chi down in the disco area. Not the best of places, but they had a table tennis competition and a cloths sale in the ballroom at 10am, so they needed to set it up.

Overheard that the $500 credit we received could be credited back to our credit card, or handed out in cash. So being rather sceptical, l nipped down to the pursers office, only to be told that it was correct. Although we had to wait until we had left Fremantle. Saves wasting the money on board the ship.

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Relaxed for a while, then off to a lecture on the Confederate Navy and the collaboration with the UK. Seems that the South gave any privateer a certificate to authorise them to plunder any Union ship. Therefore helping them to remove blockades and disrupt supplies to the North. 
Out for another quick walk, but ended up chatting to friends. Before we new it, it was time for lunch. Just a light smoked and cured fish platter from the Corinthian Lounge. Up to the twelfth deck for an Americano and a little sun, before relaxing to finish my novel. God it’s a hard life.

Finish the catching up of my diary and start a new novel. But it’s quickly time for a refreshing cup of Earl grey tea. Nether the less, l have been told by the boss. Keep away from the scones, cakes and biscuits. It’s not even a fast day!
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I believe she is cutting back on account that we will be drinking and over indulging over the next few days. Tomorrow is my birthday, and the following two days we are ashore in Fremantle and Perth. Land at long last.

Image result for image distant land from sea
Absorb some more sun before heading for the shower, then a not so light dinner of roast duck, roasted beetroot and mashed potatoes with garlic and blue cheese. Delicious. Then into the lounge to continue with my new book, listening to the string quartet. Heading for the cinema with all the other diesel heads to watch the new Mat Damion film Ford v Ferrari. 

Le Mans '66 Poster

17th February Monday. My birthday 
Laid in until 8am to give Judith a rest. She is still finding difficult to sleep. Although whenever l wake up l hear her snoring.
Nice breakfast, then into Ti Chi, followed by a talk on Super Volcanoes. A good subject spoilt by a poor speaker.
Return to the cabin to find that the room made has made a cake and sculpture in towels, pinned up happy birthday notes and delivered a birthday card from the captain. Unfortunately no champagne.
We walk, read, eat and sunbath, not necessarily in that order. 
But the day is still rushed, we seem to be chasing our tales, trying to get to some event or a meeting with friends. Before we know it, we are eating dinner again. This time in the pizza/ pasta restaurant with our friends and a few bottles of bubbly, followed by another drink and then a game of sequence. 
Finish off with a walk around the deck, watching the sun go down.


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